Heartfelt thanks everyone for supporting our Fundraiser!
Big hugs to our friends:
Aries Cheung
Robert Delaney
Rick, Brenda and Una Wong
kwoi Gin
Diedie Weng
Eva, Noel and Kayenne Liu
Eva, Noel and Kayenne Liu
Sang Kim
Ian Chow
Inner Truth Taiko Dojo Drummers
Sabrina Wang & Emily Cheung
Gretel Meyer Odell
Sani Ijovudu
Elsabet Wuubie
Nahel Fekadu
Daniels Spectrum
Caroline Acton
Kate Marr
Nofisa, Rahima and Rashidah Nartey
Catharina Goldnau Ceramics
Catharina Goldnau Ceramics
The Lemon Jar
The Quan Family
Please Note: The Lemon Jar and Kids Canada are no longer affiliated with the Nggali Project and their affiliates but continue to move the important projects that we had promised you. Heartfelt thanks to all of you for your love, loyalty and your trust!
Maylynn, Kaia and Wyatt